Our Photographer.
Samantha Dawn is excited to be the GHRA Championships official photographer! Samantha is no stranger to the Gypsy Horse world, her work has been featured around the globe and often with the Gypsy Horse at front and center. Her work is known for capturing the power and soul of the horses in front of her lens. Samantha travels around the USA and internationally photographing horses of all breeds for clients, however her heart is always drawn back to the breed who created her career what it is known for today, The Gypsy Horse! She finds herself on the road for private sessions and gypsy horse shows throughout the year. Samantha is also the proud owner of two GHRA registered Gypsy Horses! Samantha will be offering small mini sessions for the Championship show as well as Championship/Award backdrop photos with studio lighting for all exhibitors to take advantage of! Show photo pricing and mini session pricing will be announced at a later date!